Comprehensive Guide to Pokemon Go Adamant Time Event

Prepare to embark on a nostalgic journey as Pokemon Go unveils its latest in-game event, the Pokemon Go Adamant Time Event. Set against a throwback theme centered around the iconic Kanto region, this event promises five days of thrilling encounters, bonuses, and challenges, starting on Monday, December 11, at 10 am local time and concluding on Friday, December 15, at 8 pm local time.

Pokemon GO Adamant Time Event : Tasks and bonuses

Event Bonuses:

During the Adamant Time Event, trainers can enjoy two exciting bonuses. Firstly, catch different Pokemon to earn triple XP, with the most significant rewards reserved for accurate Nice, Great, and Excellent throws.

Additionally, Lucky Trades take center stage, as the maximum guaranteed trades increase from 15 to 25, accompanied by a special opportunity for traded Pokemon stored since 2018 to become Lucky Pokemon.

Event Wild Encounter Pokemon:

A multitude of Kanto region Pokemon will dominate the wild encounters during the event, providing trainers with the chance to catch iconic creatures such as Squirtle, Charmander, and Vulpix. Notably, Ditto will make a rare appearance, cleverly disguised as Oddish, Koffing, Rhyhorn, or Goldeen.

Event Research:

The Adamant Time Event introduces two sets of Timed Research, available to all players. The first focuses on adding friends during the event window, rewarding trainers with Ultra Balls, Stardust, and XP. The second, a seasonal Timed Research, extends until the end of 2023, requiring trainers to earn XP and reach specific Trainer Levels for enticing rewards.

Special Research:

A brand-new Special Research will debut alongside the event, offering trainers an extended quest to explore Pokemon’s Hisui region throughout the Timeless Travels season.

Field Research Task Encounters:

Trainers can also partake in limited-time event Field Research Tasks, obtainable from various PokeStops. These tasks yield the chance to encounter 11 event-themed Pokemon, including Bulbasaur, Geodude, and Charmander.

Event Raid Pokemon:

Raid battles will feature six first-generation Pokemon across One-Star and Three-Star Raids. Staryu, Omanyte, and Kabuto headline the One-Star Raids, while Chansey, Scyther, and Snorlax pose formidable challenges in the Three-Star category.

Pokemon Go Adamant Time Event

Event Pokemon Showcases:

Engage in Pokemon Showcases at designated PokeStops, showcasing Krabby, Vulpix, Ponyta, Voltorb, or Ditto. Maximize your chances of success by entering the largest Pokemon from your collection to secure top-tier rewards.


The Adamant Time Event promises excitement, blending nostalgia with fresh challenges. Seize this limited-time opportunity to catch rare Pokemon, complete research tasks, and partake in thrilling raids as you delve into the rich history of Pokemon’s Kanto region. Get ready to make memories and relive the magic of your Pokemon journey during this extraordinary event!

I am a blogger who writes articles about games. I mostly publish articles on Fortnite, Minecraft, and Pokemon Go.

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