Greavard Pokemon Go: Weakness and Counters

This Pokemon made its debut in Pokemon Go on 19 October 202 during the Halloween event 2023


Greavard is a ghost-type Pokemon

Greavard type

Raid Boss CP: 7920 CP Max normal CP: 525 to 580 CP Max weather boost CP (Fog): 669 to 726 CP

Greavard CP

There are two ways  to get Greavard in Pokemon Go completing Halloween-timed research and Three-star raids

How to get

Tyranitar, Weavile, Darkrai, Hydreigon, Yveltal and Guzzlord 

Counters for dark type

 Tyranitar, Weavile, Darkrai, Hydreigon, Yveltal and Guzzlord

Counter for Ghost-type

As we know Greavard is a Ghost-type Pokemon it is weak against Dark and Ghost-type.
